Lectio Divina Prayer

Mondays at 8am via Zoom

The practice of sacred reading, sometimes called “listening with the heart,” is a way of praying with scripture based on the ancient tradition of Lectio Divina. It is not an analytical or dogmatic “bible study,” but rather a meditative sharing of feelings, observations, personal meanings and, ultimately, responses, to the voice of the Living God we encounter in the Word.

In the spirit of Christ and in the explicit commitment of both congregations, all people are truly welcome to this prayerful encounter with scripture  wherever they may be in their faith journeys.  We do not debate interpretations or assert dogmatic positions, we simply listen to the Word of God and to each other with open hearts and open minds, in a non-judging way.  A participant is never called upon or required to share, nor are a person’s questions, difficulties or ideas challenged or criticized.  Presence, kindness and connection are our central values and intentions.

Lectio Back to Monday Morning. Our weekly prayer of Listening with the Heart (Lectio Divina), co-hosted with Immanuel Lutheran in Holden, Mass, will change back to Monday at 8am. To access the continuous blog with our weekly shared reading go to holdenjericholectio.blogspot.com. The recurring Zoom link for our weekly gathering is here. Meeting ID: 854 5947 2625. Passcode: 684195