Food Shelf

The Essex-Jericho-Underhill Ecumenical Ministry (EJEUM) Food Shelf is located at Good Shepherd. EJEUM is a partnership of local churches, groups and individuals working together to combat hunger. Food Shelf distributions are held the third Saturday of the month from 9-10:30am.

The Food Shelf uses a drive through model (remain in your car and someone will guide you through the process of pick up) and is held on the third Saturday of the month from 9-10:30am. Thanks for your continued support. Canned goods and shelf-stable items (not expired please) can be placed in donation bins located at the Jericho Market, Hannafords, Price Chopper, and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

Monetary donations can be sent to: PO Box 65, Jericho, VT 05465.

Visit the Food Shelf Website for updates regarding upcoming distribution.

We are a network partner of the Vermont Foodbank. Follow the link to find out more information about their work and how to get involved.

Because of our faith in Jesus Christ and his teachings concerning those in need, the mission of the Essex-Jericho-Underhill Ecumenical Ministry is to operate a community food shelf, provide educational experiences, and provide emergency aid for community members.